Bacon wrapped green chile pesto chicken

Late summer in New Mexico, every air wave carries the distinct, heavenly aroma of Hatch green chile roasting in back yards, grocery stores, even makeshift road-side stands… These green gems are found in chile stew (green chile stew), hamburgers (green chile-cheese burger), pork laden green chile, green chile-chicken enchiladas, relleno… I could go on and…

Grilled Tomato-Pesto Bread with Roasted Goat Brie

“il faut manger pour vivre, et non pas vivre pour manger” ~ mollier   this is a wonderful, no-knead bread ~ a perfect addition to any meal. tomato-pesto bread 2 1/2 cups unbleached bread flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 2 1/2 tsp active yeast 1 cup water, about 110-120 degrees 1/4 cup olive oil,…